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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
dejunk 清理(及物动词) to remove clutter, especially from one's house or office EXAMPLE: Before starting the new big project at work I spent more than an hour trying to dejunk my office.
doofus 傻瓜(名词,俚语) SLANG
Foolish, incompetent person (NOTE: negative but mildly humorous) Also: "dufus"

EXAMPLE: I made the mistake of asking some doofus for directions and by following his advice I became totally lost.

时尚的(形容词,当代非正式用语) CONTEMPORARY INFORMAL Having exciting, fashionable qualities including an energetic, creative and possibly intimidating aspect (NOTE: often used to describe art, fiction, or popular music) EXAMPLE: The company's edgy advertisements were popular with young professional people in large cities.
延伸产品(名词) a secondary product which is an extension of a more famous existing product, usually supporting its existing branding and sales

EXAMPLE: The soft drink company's owners believed they could develop a flanker of its famous beverage, so they produced a low-calorie diet version that used similar advertising.

grand 一千美元(名词,传统俚语) TRADITIONAL SLANG one thousand dollars EXAMPLE: I offered my friend three grand for his old car, but he laughed at me so I knew that I would probably have to offer four or possibly five thousand dollars instead.
为了买朋友那部旧车,我出价 3,000 美元。但他冲我笑。所以我想应该给 4,000、甚至 5,000 美元。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to be all over something 1.支持


1. To strongly support something, such as an idea, suggestion, or proposed plan (NOTE: very informal, contemporary expression)

2. To have no lingering feelings regarding something negative that has occurred in the past.

EXAMPLE: The boss is all over the idea of having our company's annual party in a popular restaurant this year, instead of at the office as in previous years .

EXAMPLE: I was quite depressed when I lost my job, but I am all over it now and I am busy looking for a new position.

to be calling the shots 主宰,控制 to be the person responsible for making strategic decisions; to be the actual boss EXAMPLE: The old gentleman who founded the company is still president, but his son, who has an MBA, is the one who's calling the shots nowadays.
这位创办公司的老先生依然是总裁,但如今主宰公司的是他有 MBA 学位的儿子。
to be kept in the loop about 及时被告知 to be informed continually of new pieces of information and decisions as they occur EXAMPLE: The boss wants to be kept in the loop about everything so all of us on the staff meet with her as a group every morning for half an hour.
to go over like a lead balloon 彻底失败 expression describing an idea or suggestion that fails totally (NOTE: mildly humorous because lead is such a heavy material )

EXAMPLE: The manager explained his bold new idea at the staff meeting, but nobody liked it and he felt it went over like a lead balloon.

to state a position on something 表明立场(正式用语) FORMAL to make a clear statement regarding a serious policy opinion EXAMPLE: Knowing the influence of its decisions, the corporation's board of directors carefully considered a major problem or corporate initiative before choosing to state a position on it.

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