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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
offload 摆脱,处理掉(及物动词) to sell or pass to someone else something unwanted EXAMPLE: We want to offload some excess inventory quickly so we will accept a very low price from anyone who will purchase all of it from us right away.
magnate 巨头,大佬(名词) a person in business who has great wealth and power

EXAMPLE: The newspaper was owned by a famous publishing magnate.

mediaverse 现代电子和通讯产品(名词) the aggregate of all modern consumer communication devices and systems that may be used by one person today, including mobiles phones, the Internet, satellite telecommunications, cable television, PSAs, and iPODs. (NOTE: blend of "media" and "universe") EXAMPLE: The mediaverse available today can be overwhelming to the ordinary middle-aged person.
渐成泡影(动词) (verb) To die or to conclude in a vague, disappointing way without energy or accomplishment (NOTE: often "to fizzle out")

EXAMPLE: The new project was started with great enthusiasm, but after two years of expensive delays and frustration, everyone started to fear it would merely fizzle.

McMansion (奢侈但不美观实用的)豪宅(名词,当代俚语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) An expensive and enormous but ugly new house; an extravagant and impractical residence (NOTE: always capitalized; mildly humorous; unkind reference to fast food) EXAMPLE: The computer company's young CEO lived alone but owned a McMansion with seven bedrooms, two swimming pools, and a garage for five cars.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to take corrective measures 纠偏 to conscientiously perform the actions that are necessary either to correct serious errors, or to cope with problems EXAMPLE: When informed of a serious problem, a good manager will take corrective measures rather than ignore it.
bill of materials 物料清单 A list showing quantities and costs of parts and materials used in the production of a product EXAMPLE: An examination of the bill of materials revealed that the new product cost more money to produce than it could be sold for.
bleeding edge 最前卫的 Expression describing the most advanced version of something involving technology (NOTE: often humorous extension of "leading edge" which describes something innovative) EXAMPLE: The computer trade show exhibited a lot of bleeding edge technology that would not become available to consumers for several years.
of monumental proportions (数量、体积)巨大的 Enormous in size or number (NOTE: often mildly humorous)

EXAMPLE: The careless new manager started spending money without any thought, and soon the company had debts of monumental proportions.

tight-fisted 小气的 Reluctant to spend money even when necessary or appropriate; extremely cheap EXAMPLE: The tight-fisted boss refused to approve salary increases despite the high accomplishments of his employees, so they started to look for new jobs.

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