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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
proviso 限制条款(名词,正式法律术语) (noun, FORMAL LEGAL TERM) A special condition within a legal agreement or contract EXAMPLE: A proviso in the enormous construction project's contract requires that a representative of each company involved meet to discuss the project at least every month.
redeployment 重新部署(名词) (noun) The process of relocating or reassigning employees or equipment to different areas in order to use them more effectively (NOTE: originally military usage, now common in business usage)

EXAMPLE: When the huge transportation company changed its business focus from freight to passenger services, a massive redeployment was required.

努力(动词) (verb) To try to achieve something difficult that requires great effort and persistence EXAMPLE: The owners of the small company strive to give their customers better service and more personal attention than their larger competitors can provide.
后来(副词,正式用语) (adverb, FORMAL) Later; describing an event that follows previously mentioned events

EXAMPLE: The new manager promised a significant increase in salaries for everyone if the company achieved its revenue goals, and subsequently all of the employees worked harder than before.

approach 首次接洽潜在客户(名词,销售用语) (noun, SALES USAGE) A sale representative's first contact with a prospective customer EXAMPLE: The sales representative liked to be well prepared and so usually researched a prospect carefully before initiating an approach.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to be high-handed 独断专行的 To act in an arrogant manner, ignoring the feelings or opinions of others EXAMPLE: The thoughtful CEO did not want to be high-handed, so he involved all his managers in the decision-making process and listened to everyone's ideas carefully.
to keep pace with 与……保持一致 To be current and up-to-date EXAMPLE: In our business we recognize the need to keep pace with modern business practices, so we are willing to change our old ways when necessary.
cost conscious 有成本意识的 Careful in spending money; frugal EXAMPLE: In an effort to be cost conscious, each expenditure over a certain amount must be approved by a department manager and by our chief accountant.
dressed to kill 衣着华丽的 Wearing dramatic, stylish and expensive clothing

EXAMPLE: The company's sales manager wants to be impressive so she is always dressed to kill when she visits a customer.

liberal return policy 自由退货政策(商业用语) (BUSINESS)A practice in which a store is quite willing to accept previously purchased products returned by customer for refund or exchange with a minimum of inconvenience to the customer (also called "no questions asked" return policy) EXAMPLE: We always bought our clothes at a store with a liberal return policy because if we took our purchases back we didn't get any funny looks from the store clerks.

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