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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
attain (通过努力)获得(动词) (verb) To reach something highly valued after great effort EXAMPLE: Our business was able to attain an excellent reputation and great customer loyalty by treating all customer complaints fairly and patiently.
disproduct (生产过程中产生的)废品(名词) (noun) An unusable product damaged during its manufacturing process

EXAMPLE: By improving our production practices we reduced the number of disproducts each month by 90%.

狂热的(形容词,幽默,非正式用语) (adjective, HUMOROUS INFORMAL) Irrationally infatuated; excessively enthusiastic in a foolish way (NOTE: originally FRENCH senile) EXAMPLE: Young people went gaga over the new portable music devices and bought them anywhere they were sold.
散货混装(名词) (noun) The act of listing together a variety of individual shipments from multiple shippers bound for the same destination (NOTE: no plural form)

EXAMPLE: The port city's brokers often provided groupage services for many different manufacturers seeking to export products to San Francisco.

prioritize 按重要性排序(不及物动词和及物动词) (intransitive and transitive verb) To arrange a series of tasks or goals in order of importance so that the most important can be done first (INTRANSITIVE) EXAMPLE: A busy manager must know how to prioritize well in order to accomplish what is essential.
(TRANSITIVE) EXAMPLE: If we prioritize our goals each day we will accomplish more than if we try to do everything at once.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
open communications 开放的沟通环境 A condition or environment in which people are not afraid to speak frankly and freely to each other EXAMPLE: By having open communications at their company, the managers were able to benefit from the ideas and insights of all their employees.
sales literature 销售宣传资料 A general term for any printed material such as brochures or promotional leaflets intended to provide customers with product or service information EXAMPLE: At the trade conference we picked up useful sales literature about various products that interested us.
to be out of the woods 走出困境 To be safe after a period of danger (NOTE: "woods" is a small forest) EXAMPLE: At first our company had a great many debts and difficult challenges, but now we are out of the woods.
to bend over backwards to do something 竭尽全力做某事 To try very hard to do something, almost to a foolish extent

EXAMPLE: The sales representative would bend over backward to please customers so he memorized their birthdays and the names of their children.

to profit from experience 从经验中受益 To learn and to increase in wisdom from both positive and negative events EXAMPLE: The successful executive tries to profit from experience so that even unpleasant or disappointing episodes in business become useful teaching tools.

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