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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
downgrade 降低(动词) (verb) To reduce something in quality, value or intensity EXAMPLE: The stock market analyst decided to downgrade his assessment of the company because of its poor earnings recently.
floatel 水上旅馆(名词) (noun) A ship operated primarily as a floating hotel, instead of as a means of transportation (NOTE: blend of two words: "float" and "hotel")

EXAMPLE: The famous old passenger ship "Queen Mary" is now a floatel permanently docked in harbor near Los Angeles.

gaffe 差错(名词) (noun) A mistake in speaking or social behavior; a clumsy social act (NOTE: origin of this word is FRENCH "hook" in the sense of something that causes a person to fall down) EXAMPLE: When our best salesman mispronounced our own company's name during his big speech at his birthday party, we were surprised by his little gaffe but we smiled and ignored it.
爱管闲事者(名词) (noun) Someone that interferes in the concerns of other people; meddler

EXAMPLE: Many employees considered the overly enthusiastic new manager to be an interloper because he gave too much detailed advice about how to do their jobs.

meetup 同好联谊网站(名词,当代俚语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) An online portal for social meetings that allows Internet-based meetings of people with common interests such as hobbies, games, health, or books. EXAMPLE: On the Internet I found a meetup dedicated to golf and I was able to contact many people that shared my obsessive interest in the sport.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
"too rich for my blood" “太贵了” Common expression meaning "too expensive for me" (NOTE: used in reference to extravagant luxuries) EXAMPLE: I enjoyed looking at the diamond broaches Italian suits in the fashionable jewelrymen's clothing store, but I left the place thinking that such things are too rich for my blood.
an inside look 内部考察 An examination that reveals the usually hidden operation of something (NOTE: normally requires the article "an") EXAMPLE: Researchers allowed the famous science reporter to have an inside look at their laboratory experiments, showing him all of their research results, and answering all his questions candidly.
cash-strapped 现金紧张的 Having very little money available for spending (NOTE: "to be strapped" means to be limited in action because one has no money) EXAMPLE: The cash-strapped new company struggled every month to pay its basic expenses.
cut-and-dried 枯燥乏味的 expression referring to something boring, ordinary, and easily predictable

EXAMPLE: The energetic new sales manager thought the company's previous sales presentations were too cut-and-dried, so he designed an impressive new multimedia version.

give and take 取舍、妥协 The process of not insisting on everything one wants, and accepting some of what one's opponent offers; an expression describing compromise EXAMPLE: Designing the new building project that involved three big rival companies required a lot of give and take, but eventually they agreed on a workable plan.

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