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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
discontinue 停止(及物动词,商业用语) (transitive verb, BUSINESS USAGE) To stop producing something or to stop an activity done previously EXAMPLE: The furniture manufacturer decided to discontinue a type of old-fashioned sofa that was no longer selling well.
freelance 1.自由职业的(形容词)

2. 从事自由职业(动词)
1. (adjective) Describing any self-employed person, usually one working at home who only occasionally visits the offices of his or her clients

2. (Verb) To work in self-employed manner

EXAMPLE: The freelance photographer sold his photos to many different newspapers and magazines, sending each a bill at the end of the month.

EXAMPLE: The photographer quit his job at the magazine so he could freelance and work with a great variety of clients in the business of publishing.

找乐,放松(名词,俚语) (noun, SLANG) A trivial action done purely for pleasure (NOTE: "giggle" is a form of small laughter) EXAMPLE: For a giggle the two young colleagues went to a movie after work.
无力还债的,破产的(形容词) (adjective) Being unable to pay debts; lacking sufficient money to maintain business operations

EXAMPLE: Six months of bad sales and bad management practices made the company insolvent and they stopped operations entirely at the end of the year.

menace 严重威胁(名词) (noun) Dangerous threat EXAMPLE: Large storms can be a menace to commerce at sea.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
finely-crafted 制作精巧的 Describing something well-made by skilled workers with careful attention to details in function and design (NOTE: usually refers to production done by hand) EXAMPLE: The finely-crafted table had been made by a master furniture maker over a hundred years ago.
one size fits all 均码的,通用的 The standard expression describing a garment that can be worn by any size person (NOTE: normally describes clothing, but can also be used humorously in other references) EXAMPLE: The 'one size fits all' shirt our company produces is very big and loose but very comfortable and popular.
to test the waters 试水,试行 To experiment cautiously before proceeding (reference to touching hot water cautiously before bathing) EXAMPLE: No one was certain about the success of the clever new product, so it was introduced in a few stores just to test the waters before national distribution began.
to knock your socks off 令人印象深刻(俚语) (SLANG) To impress you very much (NOTE: mildly humorous)

EXAMPLE: Our company's fast new computer is loaded with features that will knock your socks off.

to welch on a debt (or a deal) 赖账,违约 To fail to do what one is required to do in an agreement, such as to pay a debt or to act as promised in the agreement. EXAMPLE: The architect worried that the landlords might welch on their deal with him, and so he didn't start the project until their money was deposited in his bank account.

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