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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
cranky 坏脾气的(形容词,非正式用语) (adjective, INFORMAL) Irritable (NOTE: often mildly humorous) EXAMPLE: Some of our cranky old customers complained that they didn't like our colorful new packaging because they had grown accustomed to the previous style over a period of many years .
dilapidated 年久失修的,破败的(形容词) (adjective) Having deteriorated due to neglect or lack of repair; shabby

EXAMPLE: The old house in the country became dilapidated a few years after its owners moved to the city.

低端的(形容词,商业用语) (adjective,BUSINESS USAGE ) Cheap; describing something intended to appeal to people who wish to spend less money EXAMPLE: To increase sales, the famous French designer of very expensive women's fashions also produces a downmarket line of clothes that ordinary business women can afford.
吵闹,噪声(名词,非正式用语) (noun, INFORMAL) Loud, confused noise that accompanies turbulent activity (NOTE: "hubbub" is of Irish origin)

EXAMPLE: The huge market was filled with the hubbub of several hundred merchants and customers buying and selling.

kewl 酷(形容词,插入语,当代书面俚语) (adjective, interjection, CONTEMPORARY WRITTEN SLANG) Humorous, intentional misspelling of the common slang term "cool," meaning "very good, positive, fashionable" often used on the Internet (NOTE: "kewl" is the cool way of writing "cool") EXAMPLE: When I described the new car I purchased this week in an email to my younger brother, he simply replied "kewl" and I knew he was happy for me.
我给弟弟发了封电子邮件,介绍我这周买的新车,他只回了一个字: “酷”。我知道,他在为我高兴。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to come across as 看起来 To appear as; to be perceived as EXAMPLE: The quiet, old manager comes across as a mean, unfriendly person, but in reality he is quite generous and kind.
to delegate up 向上推诿(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) The unwise practice of passing one's tasks or responsibilities to one's supervisors (contrasted with passing tasks to lower level employees) EXAMPLE: When told to do work he considered boring, the lazy manager tried to delegate up and suggested that only his boss had the authority to do such tasks.
to form a company 组建公司 To do the tasks involved with starting and organizing a new company EXAMPLE: It took the two ambitious brothers only a few months to form a company after they finished their university studies.
to max out 耗尽(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) To use until fully exhausted

EXAMPLE: Starting the new project proved to be more expensive than we planned, so we maxed out our cash reserves quickly and needed to seek additional financing.

to opt out 不参加(非正式用语) (INFORMAL )To choose not to participate EXAMPLE: My co-workers invited me to join them at a local restaurant after work, but I decided to opt out of since I was exhausted.

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