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俞剑 方福前 等:中国农业劳动力转移研究

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《经济评论》2018年第1期 俞剑 方福… 参加讨论

    Household Consumption Upgrade, Factor Price Distortion and Rural-To-Urban Labor Migration in China
    Yu Jian,Fang Fuqian,Cheng Dong,Zheng Wenping
    Abstract:This paper constructs a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model to investigate the mechanism of how each of the following factors influence China’s rural-to-urban labor migration, i.e., household consumption upgrade, sectorial capital rent distortion, and wage distortion. We also explore the relative contribution of each factor in a unified framework. Our steady-state numerical results show that each of the above factors has a positive impact on labor migration to a different extent. When all four factors deviate by 0.1 unit from the initial steady state, household consumption upgrade exhibits the largest impact by promoting 4.63% more labor migration. The capital rent distortion and technology progress come closely with 2.68% and 2.34% more migration while wage distortion has the weakest effect with only 0.84% more. The top three factors all have significant impact on labor migration, suggesting that the dominant reason for China’s rural-to-urban labor migration is essentially compound, which is significantly different from the United States case with just a single leading cause.
    Keywords:Dynamic General Equilibrium Model,Consumption Structure,Labor Migration
    JEL Classification:C61, E13, E24

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