摘要: 本文使用CHNS 1997-2006的调查数据实证研究了城镇正规就业与非正规就业之间的收入差距及影响因素。收入不平等分解结果表明,正规就业与非正规就业之间存在显著的工资收入差距,但随着经济发展和劳动力市场供求的转变,两类就业者由于就业类别差异导致的"收入差异"呈缩减的趋势;受教育水平和工作经验等人力资本特征是两类就业者决定工资的主要影响因素,也是他们之间工资收入差距变化的主要贡献因素。
关键词: 正规就业与非正规就业; 收入差距分解; 影响因素
Abstract: The paper studies income inequality between formal and informal employment in the city and its influencing factors using CHNS 1997-2006 data.The results show that there is an obvious wage inequality between formal and informal employment sector in the city,and with economic development and labor market transformations,differences of employment sector play a gradually minor role in income differences while personal characteristics of labor,especially education and work experience determines income difference.
Key words: formal and informal employment; discomposing wage gap; influencing factor
全文阅读 文章出处:财经论丛,2011年第2期