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[文萃]李涛 等:老年人的孤独感与保健消费

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/31 《经济研究》2018年第1期 李涛 徐翔… 参加讨论

    作者:李涛 徐翔 张旭妍
    关键词:保健消费 孤独感 社会互动
    Loneliness and Consumption:An Empirical Investigation of the Healthcare Consumption of China’s Elderly Population
    LI Tao(a), XU Xiang(a) and ZHANG Xuyan(b)
    (a:Central University of Finance and Economics; b: China Avic Securities CO., LTD.)
    Summary:As a major component of national economy, household consumption reflects the actual living standard of a country’s citizens and is the central target of macroeconomic policies. Compared with developed countries, however, the aging consumption market of China remains underdeveloped and thus has considerable potential. In the meantime, the healthcare consumption of the Chinese aging population is increasing considerably faster than any of its other consumption types, and its healthcare expenditure has become one of the most concerning social topics in China. Both medical and healthcare expenditures are important components of household health investment. Nevertheless, healthcare expenditure is often regarded as a part of medical expenditure and has attracted less attention and systematic study. From an empirical perspective, study of the relationship between the healthcare expenditure of aging people, their emotional demands, and the underlying mechanism is very important. In this study, we examined the causal relationship between the feeling of loneliness and the healthcare expenditure of China’s aging population empirically, and investigated how healthcare expenditure was determined by controlling for other factors.
    Few studies have focused on the healthcare expenditure of the aging population. Most studies have focused on the general healthcare expenditure of households as a whole, and have basically ignored the effect of loneliness and other emotional feelings. Most foreign studies have used samples from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and investigated the macro factors that affect healthcare expenditure. Studies by Chinese scholars have been based on Chinese datasets, but take a similar macro approach to determining the healthcare expenditure. We believe our research, conducted from the perspective of loneliness, covers the shortage in related studies to some extent.
    In this study, we used the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) dataset in the first effort to analyze the effects of loneliness on healthcare expenditure. Our estimations implied that both health demands and emotional demands had significantly positive effects on the elderly’s healthcare expenditure. At the same time, the effects of health and emotional demands on healthcare expenditure were complementary. We also adopted several methods to test the potential endogeneity in the baseline regressions, and guaranteed the robustness of our estimations by conducting several complementary regressions. We make three contributions to the literature on healthcare consumption. First, our empirical findings suggest for the first time that the degree of loneliness has a significantly positive effect on healthcare expenditure. Elderly people who feel lonelier tend to spend more of their income in both absolute and relative terms on healthcare products, and the most probable explanation is that the elderly believe they can have more social interactions by communicating with health product sales staff and other aged people. Second, our estimations suggest that one’s physical health status has significant negative effects on their healthcare expenditure. Third, the elderly with a worse self-assessed physical health status, more severe chronic diseases, and poorer self-care ability spend more of their income on healthcare products. We also found that the aging population’s cognition, frequency of visits from children, and ability to live independently significantly affected their healthcare expenditure statistically.
    Based on our estimations, we advise the related ministries and government institutions to pay more attention to the loneliness problem of the Chinese aging population. In addition, they should consider the potential negative shocks to the healthcare expenditure market by decreasing the loneliness of the Chinese aging population as these people improve their mental health conditions. The continuous development of China’s healthcare consumption market should be based on the increasing health demand, rather than the emotional demands that immoral healthcare suppliers could take advantage of.
    Keywords:Health Care Consumption; Loneliness; Social Interaction

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