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[文萃]陈丰龙 徐康宁 王美昌:高铁发展对城乡收入差距的影响

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/26 《经济评论》2018年第2期 陈丰龙 徐… 参加讨论

    作者:陈丰龙 徐康宁 王美昌
    High Speed Railway Development and Urban-Rural Income Inequality:Evidence from Chinese Cities
    Chen Fenglong, Xu Kangning and Wang Meichang
    Abstract: This paper takes 275 cities of China from 2007 to 2014 as the object of study and explores the impact of HSR(High Speed Railway) development on urban-rural income inequality of Chinese cities with the HSR frequency data. The results show that the developments of HSR are conducive to narrowing the income inequality between urban and rural areas and the impact is heterogeneity among cities. The positive role of HSR is more biased in favor of the cites from eastern provinces, the large population size cites as well as the cities near the large cities. In addition, the speed of HSR does not have different impact on the urban-rural income inequality. But the performance between the origin train and the non-origin train is very different. The IV estimations support the conclusion above. Further study found that the population flow and capital flow are an important mechanism to promote the development of HSR to reduce the income inequality between urban and rural areas in China.
    Keywords: High Speed Railway, Urban-Rural Income Inequality, City
    JEL Classification: O18, R40

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Tags:文萃陈丰龙 徐康宁 王美昌,高铁发展对城乡收入差距的影响  
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