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[文萃]贾俐贞 黄苏萍:国有企业分类改革与创新动力机制研究

http://www.newdu.com 2018/4/10 中国社会科学网-《北京工商大学学报》 贾俐贞 黄… 参加讨论

    摘 要:国有企业创新是我国经济发展和国家创新的重要内容之一,而国有企业在创新效率方面却颇受质疑。在这一背景下来探讨国有企业创新动力机制建设问题有着巨大的现实意义。目前有关企业创新动力机制的研究主要是着眼于企业在技术创新方面的动力因素,而未能充分考虑制度创新、管理创新以及组织创新等相关内容。在对现有相关文献进行梳理并对国有企业创新现状加以分析的基础上试图构建一个适应新时代与新常态的国有企业创新动力机制。该创新动力机制系统在国有企业分类的前提下,以市场需求为主、政策指引为辅,由企业内高管、研发部门、生产部门共同协作,与外部的顾客、竞争对手和合作机构有效沟通,最终输出创新带来的经济效益与社会效益。最后还提出了相应的政策建议,用以指导国有企业更好地推动创新动力机制建设。
    关键词:新时代 新常态 国有企业 国企分类 企业创新 创新动力 动力机制
    Research on Motive Mechanism for Innovation in Stated-owned Enterprises under “New Era and New Normal”:Basedon Perspective of Stated-owned Enterprises Classification
    JIA Lizhen& HUANG Suping
    Abstract:Innovation in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is one of the important contents in China’s economic development and national innovation under the context of China’s New Normal, but the innovation efficiency of SOEs has been questioned. It is of great realistic significance to probe into the innovation motive mechanism in the stated-owned enterprises. At present, studies on innovation motive mechanism of enterprise are mainly focused on the dynamics for technological innovation, which cannot cover the contents related to system innovation, management innovation, organizational innovation, etc. Based on prior related researches and the current situation analysis of SOE’s innovation, this paper attempts to construct an innovation motive mechanism in SOEs to adapt to the New Era and the New Normal. Under the classification of SOEs, the innovation motivation mechanism is driven mainly by market demand with policy guideline as a supplement, in which top executives, R&D department and production department within an enterprise work in collaboration to communicate effectively with outsiders such as customers, competitors and cooperative institutions, and ultimately outputs the economic and social benefits brought by innovation. Finally, the policy suggestions are put forward to guide SOEs to a better promotion for the construction of innovation motive mechanism in SOEs.
    Key Words:New Era; New Normal; state-owned enterprise (SOE); state-owned enterprises classification; enterprise innovation; innovation motivation; motive mechanism
    期刊责编:王 轶

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Tags:文萃贾俐贞 黄苏萍,国有企业分类改革与创新动力机制研究  
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