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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/15 社科院经济研究所 佚名 参加讨论

    1.Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development(TIGA)(边缘化的小农户在农业技术创新和制度创新的发展)
    2.Innovation for Marginalized Smallholder Farmers and Development: An Overview and Implications for Policy and Research(边缘化小农户的创新和发展:政策与研究的综述及启示)
    摘要:Smallholders in Asia and Africa are affected by increasingly complex national and global ecological and economic changes. Agricultural innovation and technology shifts are critical among these forces of change and integration with services is increasingly facilitated through innovations in institutions. Here we focus mainly on innovation opportunities for small farmers, with a particular emphasis on marginalized small farm communities. The chapter elaborates on the concept of the ‘small farm’ and offers a synthesis of the findings of all the chapters in this volume. The contributions have reconfirmed that sustainable intensification among smallholders is not just another optimization problem for ensuring higher productivity with less environmental impact. Rather it is a complex task of creating value through innovations in the institutional, organizational and technological systems of societies.
    关键词:Marginality ;Poverty ; Innovations ; Policy ; Smallholder farmer
    (朱玲  供稿)

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