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[文萃]王丽艳 马光荣:财政转移支付显著促进获得地GDP增长人均转移支付每增加1%将导致人均GDP增加约1%

http://www.newdu.com 2018/4/10 中国社会科学网-《经济评论》 王丽艳 马… 参加讨论

    关键词:转移支付 经济增长 空间断点设计
    The Impact of Transfer Payments on Regional Economic Growth
    ——An Empirical Analysis through Spatial Regression Discontinuity Design
    Wang Liyan and Ma Guangrong
    (School of Finance, Renmin University of China)
    Abstract: Using data from county-level of 28 provinces of China, We use the natural experiment of western development and the method of spatial regression discontinuity to study the influence of fiscal transfer payments on the regional economic growth of China. Studies show that transfer payments significantly contribute to the regional GDP growth. GDP growth will be boosted by 1%, if the transfer payments increase 1%. In order to solve the problem of statistical quality of GDP, we use the county-level light data to be the proxy variable for GDP, the relationship still exists. Mechanism analysis find that transfer payments mainly through the channel of increasing infrastructure investment to achieve economic growth but play a limited role to providing welfare public goods like education and health care. Policy suggestion of this paper is that transfer payments in the backward regions should not only be used for infrastructure construction, but also for providing and supporting the local government’s public goods.
    Keywords: Intergovernmental Transfer; Economic Growth; Spatial Regression Discontinuity Design
    期刊责任编辑:赵锐 彭爽

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Tags:文萃王丽艳 马光荣,财政转移支付显著促进获得地GDP增长  
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