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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期73-84,共12页 刘嘉毅[1… 参加讨论

    Empirical Study of the Relationship between Industrial Structure Change and Housing Prices: Evidence from the Chinese Mainland
    Based on the effects and inherent mechanism of industrial structure change in the process of changes in housing prices, this paper uses the panel data of 30 provinces in the Chinese mainland from 2002 to 2011 to empirically analyze the effects of industrial structure change on changes in housing prices by the construction of theoretical measurement of ra- tionalization and upgrading of industrial structure. It comes to the results as follows: firstly, the rationalization of industrial structure has significantly positive effect on housing prices, and the upgrading of industrial structure also obviously pushes up housing prices; secondly,during the sample period, industrial structure change makes a 13.45~//00 contribution to the in- crease in national housing prices; thirdly, the effects of rationalization and upgrading of in- dustrial structure on housing prices differ widely in regions, and the effects are in descending order in eastern, central and western China; fourthly, bank credit and land prices push up housing prices, and the adjustment to interest rates makes a basic failure on the control of housing prices, while the effects of population scale and income per capita vary with regions and time.
    关 键 词:产业结构变迁 住宅价格 系统广义矩估计
    industrial structure change housing price SYS-GMM
    分 类 号:F062.9F269.24
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