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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/9 《人民论坛·学术前沿》 唐任伍 参加讨论

    [2]据安德森·麦迪森《世界经济千年史》统计,1820年中国国内生产总值(GDP)占世界经济总量的32.9%。保罗·贝洛赫(Paul Bairoch,1930~1999)对中国古代GDP也进行了估算,彼得·布雷克(Peter Brecke)根据贝洛赫数据认为1800年中国GDP占世界比重高达44%,1840年中国仍高达37%。
    The Path of Rural Revitalization Strategy in the New Era
    Tang Renwu
    Abstract: The strategy of rejuvenating the countryside proposed by the 19th National Congress of the CPC is an inevitable requirement of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the fulfillment of the Chinese dream. It represents the need to build up the foundation of the Chinese civilization and develop a modern civilization. It is also a necessary condition for the balanced development of the urban and rural areas, various regions and the humans. It is also the need to promote new urbanization and achieve sustainable development of China's economy and is the only way to realize China's full development. The paths of rejuvenating the countryside are to deepen the innovation and reform of the systems and mechanisms conducive to the work relating to the rural areas, accelerate the agricultural modernization through the application of modern science and technology, introduce advanced culture and vitalize the villages to build a modern rural civilization, dismantle the dual structure separating urban and rural economies and societies and establish a community with shared destiny for the urban and rural areas, build a modern village governance system, and modernize the village governance system and governance capacity. To implement the strategy of rejuvenating the countryside, we must learn from the successful experience of other countries, innovate the concept of how to implement it, make plans carefully, build a rural complex, and improve the institution for rejuvenating the countryside.
    Keywords: New era, rural revitalization strategy, path, strategy

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