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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《创新与创业管理》 王江 参加讨论

    3 研究思路、途径和方法
    ·如果隐性知识可以被表达,有多少这样的知识仍然被视为“隐性的”?(If tacit knowledge can be articulated,how often can such knowledge still be considered as “tacit”?)
    ·不同类型的隐性知识是否存在?(Do different types of tacit knowledge exist?)
    ·隐性知识在何种程度上可以表达出来?(To what extent can tacit knowledge be articulated?)
    ·个性化知识管理策略对特定领域的产品、企业和/或行业有什么影响?(What implications does personalization knowledge management strategy have for specific segments of products,business and/or industry?)
    ·对于组织中隐性知识交流,个性化知识管理策略如何影响文化开放性?(How does personalization knowledge management strategy influence cultural openness towards tacit knowledge exchange in organizations?)
    ·员工的隐性知识如何来解释组织的学习能力?(How does tacit know-how of staff account for an organization's learning capability?)
    ·隐性知识的使用对某些组织的作用比其他因素更重要?如果是这样的话,原因是什么?(How important is the use of tacit knowledge more critical to certain organizational roles than others? If so,why?)
    ·在隐性知识的使用中,员工的属性(如年龄、性别、种族、资历、教育背景、经验)是如何起决定作用的?(How are employee attributes(e.g.age,gender,ethnicity,seniority,educational background,experience)a determinant in their use of tacit knowledge?)
    ·组织情境依赖因素(如价值观、使命、愿景、文化、战略、结构、员工档案和基础设施)和隐性知识流动之间的关系是什么?(What are the relationships between organizational context dependent factors(e.g.values,mission,vision,culture,strategy,structure,employee profile and infrastructure)and the flow of tacit knowledge?)
    ·隐性知识转移中实现的组织效益是什么?(What are the organizational benefits realized in the transfer of tacit knowledge?)
    ·组织的智力资本如何塑造隐性知识的创造?(How does an organization's intellectual capital shape the creation of tacit knowledge?)
    ·结构、社会、供应商和客户等资本如何给公司的智力能力提供价值?(How do structural,social,supplier and customer capital deliver value to a firm's intellectual capacity)?
    ·团队的组成如何影响隐性知识的转移?(How does the composition of a team in the workplace influence the transfer of tacit knowledge?)
    ·对维护团队和/或社区实践而言,叙事和讲故事机制在隐性知识转移中的有效性如何?(How are narrative and storytelling mechanisms effective in tacit knowledge transfer for maintaining teams and/or communities of practice?)
    ·描述性隐性知识的存储对于知识编码的重要性如何?(How is the storage of descriptive tacit knowledge through ICT significant to the process of knowledge codification?)

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