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贺立龙 黄科 郑怡君:信贷扶贫研究

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《经济评论》2018年第1期 贺立龙 黄… 参加讨论

      Effectiveness of Poverty Alleviation by Credit Support: Empirical study in perspective of demand and supply
    He Lilong,Huang Ke, Zheng Yijun
    Abstract: As an important way to implement the policy of poverty alleviation, credit support proves to be effective in backing impoverished farmers accurately and directionally helping them in self-production and long-run poverty relief. Based on the measurement and layering of farmer’s relative poverty level, data was collected on farmer’s credit activities and empirical research was done on the effectiveness of poverty alleviation by credit support from the perspective of both supply and demand. The research has come up with the following results. Firstly, credit support shows little significance on its accuracy in backing impoverished farmers and on its directionality in helping them in self-production and long-run poverty relief. Secondly, financial information availability, education background, family economic structure will affect farmer’s credit demand; information availability, relative relations and income structure will affect farmer’s credit availability. Thirdly, impoverished farmers are more reliant on informal credit and tend to have a sense of fear on formal credit, therefore, formal credit tends to favor the rich and despise the poor. As a result, the following things should be done to improve the effectiveness of poverty alleviation by credit support. Firstly, “development enhancing” financial instrument should be designed, and “poor favoring” credit services should be conducted. Secondly, propaganda on the credit poverty alleviation program should be conducted in order to solve the problem of “informational poverty” and to eliminate people’s fear of formal credit. Thirdly, goodwill and commercial return of the credit poverty alleviation project should be detected in order to increase the credit supply to industrial poverty alleviation projects. Lastly, informal credit activities should be properly guided in order to provide impoverished farmers with funds to deal with emergency and to prepare for long-term development.
    Key words: Effectiveness,Poverty Overcome,Formal Credit,Informal credit

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