关键词:国家观念 宗教治理 国家—社会关系 中西文化交流 传统中国的货币图案
Buddha vs. State: Imperial China’s Perception of Political Leaders’ Bust on Western Money, 91 B.C.-A.D.1911 Lin Man-houng Abstract: In world history,money image can be classified into the Occidental Greek and Roman systems and the Oriental Chinese system. The Occidental systems involved the head images of political leaders while the Oriental system did not. Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian),which was completed in 91 BCE,noted in its 63th biography “Dayuan”,“Anxi[Persia]…..uses silver as money coins on which the image of its king was minted.” However,this phenomenon was not observed in China until 1912. In that year Sun Yat-sen gave instructions of putting the portrait of the republic’s first president on the Founding of the Republic of China Commemorative Coins and the coins in circulation. This change still exerts influence on the present-day Republic of China as well as People’s Republic of China. During the two thousand years ranging from 91 BCE to 1912,the pattern of China’s traditional money was mainly based upon Chinese characters,using sort of images occasionally but the head images of rulers were not touched upon. For common people who were mostly illiterate,the reign titles shown in the money of traditional China was somewhat difficult to identify at a glance. Copper coins of past and present dynasties and that of foreign countries could be put into circulation concurrently. After the Opium War,China attempted to intimate the minting of silver coins that was circulating in the West,but it did not cast its coins with ruler’s head image. Comparatively speaking,from the 1st century onward Buddhism propagated widely in China and Buddha’s figures penetrated deeply in society. In Qing China people called the head images of rulers contained in foreign silver coins as “Buddha.” By way of money image which penetrated into people’s daily life,this study points out that while religious governance was obvious and deep-rooted in both traditional China and the West,China’s national construct was somewhat vague relative to the West, in terms of images on money. Compared with previous individual studies on the concept of state or Buddha’s figures in traditional China,this study sheds light on the different degrees of Buddha belief and national belief from 91 BCE to 1911.The paper is divided into four parts: 1) No political leaders’ figure head on Chinese imperial money; 2) Chinese traditional people’s access to Buddha’s figure heads from the 1st century BCE onward; 3) “Buddha head silver” dominant in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries China’s land contract for the Spanish coins with the king’s bust; 4) Buddha vs state in traditional China.
Key Words: State Perception; Religious Governmentality; State-society Relation; Cultural Intercourse between China and the West; Money Images in Traditional China
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