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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《经济与管理》2013年第7期 黄群慧 参加讨论

    China has become an industrialized country,it realizes the necessary of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and one of the most important economic connotation of "Chinese dream".After the rapid development of reform and opening up 30 years,China’s industrialization has entered into the late stage of industrialization.Prominent feature of China’s industrialization process is population of 1.3 billion industrialization,rapid industrialization,regional imbalance in the development of industrialization,the low cost of export-oriented industrialization,this is a hitherto unknown in human history.Chinese industrialization prospects are bright,and will achieve industrialization the latest from 2025 to 2030 according to the normal development.But China’s industrialization process may not go smoothly,the major tendency of the world industrialization process in the "third industrial revolution" and manufacturing services increase the smooth progress of the process of China’s industrialization difficulty and the necessity for Chinese industrialization strategy adjustment after the financial crisis.
    关 键 词:工业化 阶段 特征 第三次工业革命 制造业服务化
    Industrialization Stage Characteristic Third industrial revolution Manufacturing services

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