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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《工程研究:跨学科视野中的工程》2013年第2期 黄群慧 贺… 参加讨论121

    Against the background of TIR, a series of advanced manufacturing technologies that penetrating, integrating and reshaping manufacturing industries may redefine the role of manufacturing in economic development and innovation system. As the productivity and value creation of manufacturing would be improved dramatically, the role of manufacturing is likely to be changed from production to an innovative resource that carries knowledge, information and new organizational management methods. Manufacturing would be the battle front of international industrial competition again. As a far-reaching techno-economic paradigm shift, TIR would change the structure of resource input, the industrial organization of manufacturing, the global economic geography and international industrial division of labor, and finally impact China’s path of industrial upgrading and technological catch-up.
    关键词:“第三次工业革命” 先进制造技术 技术经济范式 工业发展 制造 制造业
    the Third Industrial Revolution advanced manul:dclm-ing technology tectmo-economicparadigm industrial development manul:dclm-ing manul:dclm-ing sector

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