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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《改革》2014年第1期 李钢 何然 参加讨论115

    Can reduced proportion and increased power of state-owned economy coexist?
    -Measurement Based on Empirical Industrial Data
    关键词:国有经济控制力  企业组织  结构变化
    Abstract: The proportion of state-owned economy is not the only and rather accurate indicator to measure the true controlling power of state-owned enterprises at both micro and macro level. Chinese state-owned economy has experienced a decrease in proportion since 1996. On the other hand, if we measure the controlling power of the major leading state-owned enterprises over the same period, we have observed that state-owned enterprises in nine industries have witnessed increase in controlling power, on the contrary, in sixteen industries we have observed that state-owned enterprises have experienced drop in power, enterprises in the other fourteen industries are yet to be determined due to major adjustments were being made. The effectiveness and controlling power of state-owned economy over the Chinese national economy did not decrease even after the policy to optimize and adjust state-owned industry layout in 2003. Furthermore, in some industries, we have seen increase in controlling power of state-owned enterprises through industrial structure adjustment and comparative capital advance. Overall, we have seen the proportion drop in state-owned economy meanwhile we have also been experiencing an increase in controlling power of the state-owned enterprises. Rather than solely focusing on the proportion of state-owned economy, we should emphasize more on the controlling power of the state-owned economy.
    Keywords: Controlling Power of State-owned Enterprise, Organizational Structure of Enterprise, Structural Change

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