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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期63-72,共10页 卢二坡 吕… 参加讨论134

        On the Effect of Short-term Volatility on Long-term Growth in Chinese Manufacturing Industries: Based on CPMG Estimate Method
    By using the panel data of Chinese manufacturing sectors since the reform and an estimate method of pooled mean group considering cross-sectional correlation, this paper empirically studies the existence of short-term economic volatility on long-term growth through total factor productivity and investment channels, and makes a comparison at differ- ent reform stages and in industries at different factor-intensive levels. It arrives at the empiri- cal results as follows, firstly, at the former stage of the reform, the short-term volatility in Chinese manufacturing sectors has a significantly positive effect on long-term growth through productivity channel and has a significantly positive or not significant effect on in- vestment~ secondly, at the latter stage of the reform, the short-term volatility in labor-in- tensive industries has a significantly positive effect on long-term growth through total factor productivity channel but significantly negative effect on investment, while the short-term volatility in capital-intensive industries has no significant effects on total factor productivity and investment.These results above-mentioned are robust to different volatility measurement methods.
    关 键 词:制造业 短期波动 长期增长 CPMG估计
    manufacturing short-term volatility long-term growth CPMG estimate
    分 类 号:F222.1

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