制度结构竞争力是中国强国化的基石 制度是权力、责任和利益的协调一致,也是稳定的、宝贵的、经常性的行为模式,更是影响、限制和引导人的行为的持续规范。制度失范就无法保证公民的安全和个人的蓬勃发展。规则本身的僵化和支持规则的思想僵化都会导致制度失范。土耳其、巴西等新兴经济体陷入中低收入陷阱的关键原因在于社会变革超越现有的制度。中国的大变革要求创造制度红利作为经济增长的主动力,实现制度红利对人口红利的替代。这就要求以市场有效竞争、增强社会活力、实现人的全面发展为目标取向,突破转变发展方式的制度障碍,既要增强和实现自我认识、自我超越、自我否定、自我革命、盘活存量、注入增量,还要善于在扩大开放中诱导性地倒逼改革,确保转变发展方式见到实效。以完善的产权制度夯实市场发展基础,以充分的市场竞争优化资源配置,以政府职能转变激发市场活力,以社会组织培育促进市场机制完善,以合理的承载空间保障永续发展,以创新驱动增强发展源动力。从制度竞争力的提升着手,把握制度竞争力中的制度生产力、制度约束力、制度持续力三个基本要素,实现多力齐发、力量整合,实现既定目标。强化制度创新以提升制度生产力,加强制度建设以强化制度约束力,确保制度延续以保障制度持续力。
Laying the Foundation for Becoming a Great Power in the Times of
the "L-Shaped Economy"
Xu Zhengzhong
Abstract: Since the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's economic and social development has entered a new normal. At present, China's economic growth shows an L-shaped trajectory, shifting away from a rapid growth rate toward a medium to high growth rate. In contrast, the quality of economic development shows an inverted L-shaped pattern, and is in a critical period of upgrading, which fully shows that reform and opening up has entered a new stage, and economic, social and cultural system need a "genetic reengineering" in order to get the development of various causes to enter a new historical period. First of all, China should correctly grasp the general trend of economic and social development, base the industrial upgrading on the structural adjustment of the input factors, strive to avoid the middle-income trap, and transform national strategy promptly. Secondly, in the 2.0 version of reform and opening up, China should focus on service trade, make innovation the engine of the economy, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Thirdly, China should establish social universal service system, stimulate social vitality, strengthen the competitiveness of institutional structure, and lay the foundation for China as a strong nation, so that it can fully consolidate the basis of the reform of the business system, and march toward the 2.0 version of reform and opening up.
Keywords: new era, change, reform and opening up, transformation and upgrading
【作者简介】 许正中,国家行政学院经济学教研部教授、博导。研究方向为宏观经济与财政政策、区域经济与区域发展战略、管理学与管理模式创新。主要著作有《走向创业型经济》《跨越:中国经济战略转型》等。
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