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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《中国社会科学》2012年第9期82-99,共18页 洪大用 参加讨论

    关 键 词:经济增长 环境保护 生态现代化 污染转移
    分 类 号:F205
    [4]John Hannigan, Environmental Sociology, London and New York. RoutledgeTaylor - Francis Group, 2006, pp. 12-15.
    [5]B. Commoner, The Closing Circle, New York. Bantam Books, 1971.
    [6]John Hannigan, Environmental Sociology, pp. 26-27.
    [7]A. P. J. Mol and D. A. Sonnenfeld, eds., Ecological Modernisation around the World. Perspectives and Critical Debates, London and Portland.Frank Cass - Co. Ltd., 2000, p. 5.
    [8]U. Simonis, "Ecological Modernization of Industrial Society.Three Strategic Elements,"International Social Science Journal, vol. 41, no. 121, 1989, pp. 347-361.
    [9]G. Spaargaren and A.P.J. Mol, "Sociology, Environment and Modernity. Ecological Modernization as a Theory of Social Change, " Society and Natural Resources, vol. 5,1992, pp. 323-344.
    [10]A. Schnaiberg,The Environment. From Surplus to Scarcity, New York. Oxford University Press, 1980.
    [11]W. R. Catton and R. E. Dunlap, "Theories, Paradigms and the Primacy of the HEP-NEP Distinction," The American Sociologist, vol. 13, 1978, pp. 256-259.
    [12]John Hannigan, Environmental Sociology, p. 25.

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