诸位老师和领导: 下面的信原英国国际发展部官员戴爱颜发来的资助中国学生赴荷兰科研机构开展博士研究的信件,如果有学生感兴趣可登陆该网站了解相关信息。 慧东 Colleagues NWO, KNAW and CSC provide support for PhD research by Chinese students at Dutch institutions. For information please see http://www.nwo.nl/nwohome.nsf/pages/NWOP_883AEK_Eng. Do let us know if you know of people who may be interested to study at ISS. Deadline for application is 29 October. best wishes Arjan de Haan, Senior Lecturer Social Policy, Institute of Social Studies Kortenaerkade 12, 2518 AX The Hague, The Netherlands www.iss.nl