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http://www.newdu.com 2018/12/20 社科院经济研究所 佚名 参加讨论

    《China Economist》期刊2018年第13卷4期刊登了北京师范大学收入分配研究院李实教授的文章:《Four Decades of China's Income Distribution Reform》(中国收入分配制度改革四十年)。文章指出,中国经济转型的四十年间,收入分配差距不断扩大。文章描述了中国改革前与转型期收入差距的变化过程,深入剖析了当下较高的城乡之间收入差距、垄断行业收入过高及腐败带来的收入不公等问题。原文详细信息如下:
    Li Shi:Four Decades of China’s Income Distribution Reform
    作者:Li Shi(China Institute for Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University)
    来源:《China Economist》,2018年第13卷4期,第2-33页
    AbstractIncome gaps in China kept widening over the past four decades of economic transition. First, this paper describes the change in income gaps before and after reform and opening-up in 1978 and found that income gaps had been expanding between urban and rural areas, within cities and within the countryside. However, this did not lead to income polarization since low-income groups only had a slower income growth compared with highincome groups. The number of poor people continuously reduced thanks to rapid economic growth. Over the past decade, the widening of income gaps has been initially curbed.Accordingly, we explained the impact of economic transition on income distribution from the perspectives of market-based distribution, ownership structure, opening-up and internal income distribution. Lastly, this paper provides an in-depth analysis on urban-rural income gaps, excessive compensation in monopolistic sectors and income inequalities arising from corruption. To address these problems, it is important to enhance tax regulation, increase transfer payments to poor people, improve social security, equalize public services, enhance poverty relief and develop a fairer income distribution system.
    Keywords:income gap; economic transition; distribution fairness; Gini coeffcient
    Jel classification code: D31, O15, P23
    附件:Li Shi:Four Decades of China’s Income Distribution Reform

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