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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《伦理学研究》 胡国栋 参加讨论

    [1]Robert Cooper & Gibson Burrell,"Modernism,Postmodernism and Organizational Analysis:an Introduction",Organizational Studies,Vol.9,No.1,1988 pp.91-112.
    [2]Peter F Drucker.Landmarks of Tomorrow:a Report on the New "Post-Modern" World.New York:Harper & Row,1959.
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    [12]Richard Shusterman.Pragmatist Aesthetics:Living Beauty,Rethinking Art.Boston:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2000.
    [14]Michel Foucault."The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom",In James Bernauer and David Rasmussen.The Final Foucault.Cambridge,Mass:MIT Press,1988:4.
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