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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/23 《中国经济史研究》2018年第2期 林盼 参加讨论

    [关键词]制度变迁 利益冲突 国营企业 技术精英 地位获得 
    Institutional Change, Conflict of Interest and Technical Elite Status Attainment in State-owned Enterprises (1949-1965) 
    Lin Pan 
    Abstract:This paper focuses on living circumstance of technical personnel in state-owned enterprises in 1949-1965Through the archives of industrial system in this period,this paper found the phase difference whether technical personnel were able to obtain a higher socioeconomic status or upward mobility relying on the professional skill ability. In the period of economic recovery and transition before the Great Leap,the old technical personnel not only mastered the relative freedom of employment opportunities,but also attracted attention in the enterprise and achieved the double returns to obtain the economic income and social status. However,in the period of the Great Leap,a lot of technical personnel lost technology authority in this system and confronted the squeeze on pressure because power of enterprise Party committee was undergoing expansion and a large number of workers was promoted to engineer and technician due to break the technical level system. After 1961,with the promulgation of Seventy Rules of Industry,the technical grade system was partially restored,and the value and status of technical personnel were reaffirmed. This paper holds that the change of power relations caused by institutional change and conflict of interests is the main cause that living circumstance and social status of technical personnel were subject to fluctuation. 
    Key Words:Institutional Change; Conflict of Interest; Technical Elite; Status Attainment; State-owned Enterprises 

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