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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《中国工业经济》2013年第1期 黄群慧 贺… 参加讨论

     "The Third Industrial Revolution" and the Adjustment of China's Economic Strategy Transformation of the Techno-Economic Paradigm
    The technological maturation and cost reducing of the fundamental manufacturing technologies, together with the institutional rearrangement and policy adjustment by major industrialized economies in the post- crisis era, are arousing the "third industrial revolution" (T1R), which is featured with emerging personalized manufacturing and restructured mass-production and flexible production. With the tar fetching shift in techno- economic paradigms, TIR will lead to the re-deflnition of the manufacturing's economic function, re-interpretation of the industrial competitiveness, and the rebuilding of the resource base. With the increasing profitability of manuthcturiug, the "smiling curve" may be changed to the "silent curve", or even the "sorrow curve". The later- comers" path of industrial catch-up, as predicted by the classical "flying-geese" model, could be cut off, and the "center-periphery" scheme of global division of labor would be strengthened. Meanwhile, inter-nation industrial competition paradigm would shift from inter-firm and supply-chain competition to the competition between industrial ecological systems, whose adaptability and dynamic capability would be crucial for a country to gain long-term competitiveness. For the preparation of the TIR and overwhelming competition with advanced industrialized countries at each part of the value-chain in the future, China's industrial development strategy must be re-oriented.
    关键词:先进制造技术 第三次工业革命 技术经济范式 经济发展战略
    advanced manufacturing technology the third industrial revolution techno-economic paradigm economic strategy

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