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[文萃]胡鞍钢 张新:习近平经济思想与政策框架

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/12 《天津财经大学学报》2018年第3期 胡鞍钢 张… 参加讨论

    摘 要:本文通过对习近平经济思想重要观点的梳理和归纳,结合党的十八大以来,习近平经济思想中包含的一系列事关我国经济发展的重要观点、重大判断和重大举措,对习近平经济政策框架归纳如下:首先,把坚持党对一切工作领导放在治国方略的首位,认为坚持加强党对经济工作的集中统一领导,是我国经济建设始终沿着正确方向发展的根本保障。其次,习近平经济思想客观而辩证地指出,当前我国经济发展进入新常态,发展中突出矛盾和问题根源在于供给侧与需求侧之间存在的长期性、结构性失衡。第三,以发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用为核心,逐步形成以稳中求进为总基调、供给侧结构性改革为主线、“加减乘除”为总方法的政策体系。第四,推动人类社会发展进步的共赢主义思想和由此形成的适应和引领经济发展新常态的开放新战略。第五,我国社会主义经济建设已经进入新时代,也进入世界经济舞台中心,从抓住战略机遇转向创造战略机遇,宏观经济政策体系的政策视角逐步从国内为主兼顾国际转向国内与国际并重、内外联通,这是习近平经济政策框架最显著的时代特征。从习近平经济政策框架到习近平经济思想,是我们党认识中国特色社会主义经济规律的一次重大理性飞跃;以习近平经济思想为指导的经济政策框架,是中国特色社会主义经济建设的又一次伟大实践成果。
    Xi Jinping's Economic Thought and Policy Framework
    HU An-gang, ZHANG Xin
    Abstract:This article summarizes the economic policy framework of Xi Jinping as follows: First, adhere to the party leadership for all work in statecraft. It argues that a centralized and unified leadership of the party to economic work is always the fundamental guarantee with which our country’s economic construction develops in the right direction; Second, Xi Jinping’s economic thought, objectively and dialectically, points out that the current economic development of our country has entered a new normal, and the outstanding contradictions and problems in development is rooted in the long-term and structural imbalances between the supply side and demand side; Third, take giving play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources as the core, gradually form a policy system which takes “seek improvement in stability” as a total tone, supply-side structural reform as a principal line, “plus-subtract-multiply-divide” as a total method; Fourth, the win-win thought promoting the development of human society and the resulting new open strategy as an adaptation and guidance to the new normal of economic development; Fifth, China’s socialist economic construction has entered a new era, and also entered the center of the world economic stage, transforming from seizing the strategic opportunity to creating a strategic opportunity. The policy perspective of macro-economic policy system gradually shifts from mainly domestic and partly international to both domestic and international. This is the most salient feature of the era of Xi Jinping’s economic policy framework. The economic policy framework guided by Xi Jinping’s economic thought is a great practicing achievement of socialist economic construction with Chinese characteristics.
    Key words:Xi Jinping’s economic thought; the economic law of socialism with Chinese characteristics; Xi Jinping’s economic policy framework; the new era of economic development

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