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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/16 人民论坛·学术前沿 刘卫平 参加讨论

    资料来源,2015,《人民币成功加入SDR 未来将不会大幅贬值》,中国网,12月1日。
    Global Financial Reform and China's Monetary Policy in a New Era
    Liu Weiping
    Abstract: In the changing financial environment after the international financial crisis, how to further develop the financial industry in China and how to avoid the re-emergence of crisis in the development as much as possible so as to better serve the real economy have become an important issue that must be dealt with. For example, the financial structure is not reasonable, and the core competitiveness of the financial industry has not yet formed, so they should be addressed urgently through the deepening of reform and increased hard work. China's financial industry has been continuously developing and expanding amid international competitions and is contributing to the world in terms of the exchange rate and reserves. However, it should be noted that on the one hand, China's financial liberalization reflects that the market could fail and the coordinated bailout measures between the US and China indicate more government intervention and control, which may cause China to slow down its deregulation and financialization; on the other hand, China's monetary policy is also a stabilizing force.
    Keywords: Monetary policy, financial crisis, RMB internationalization, financial reform, interest rate marketization

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