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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《人民论坛·学术前沿》 杨宜勇 参加讨论

    【1】Salamon L.M, Anheier H.K, Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, USA:The JohnsHopkins University Maryland, 1999.
    StructuralReforms in China's Current Social Field
    YangYiyong Gu Yan
    Abstract: Structural reforms cannot be separated from thesocial field. Population structure, income distribution structure and socialgovernance structure are the three main social structures that affect thesustainable growth of the economy. A population structure where the working-agepopulation accounts for a relatively high proportion is conducive tomaintaining the potential economic growth rate at a medium to high level. Arelatively balanced income distribution pattern is the important condition formaintaining a certain consumption tendency, and income distribution structureplays a decisive role in boosting domestic demand, especially consumer demand.About the structure of social governance, social organizations can exercise amore positive impact by not only creating employment opportunities, but alsohelping to resolve social conflicts. Based on practical research and analysis,we propose the reform orientation aimed at a younger population structure,rational income distribution structure and diverse social governance structure,and provide it to the policy-makers for reference.
    Keywords:structural reform, socialgovernance, population structure, income distribution, new normal

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