行为面试法(Behavioural—based Interview)
行为面试法的理论基础很简单,一句话就可以概括:一个人过去的行为可以预测这个人将来的行为。行为面试法的目的也很直接,就是要对应聘者过去的行为进行全方位的了解,从而预测应聘者能否适合新的岗位。统计表明,行为面试法比传统的面试方法,如结构化面试法(Structural Interview)在衡量应聘者的经验和能力方面更准确。基于行为面试法作出的招人决定准确率高达80%,远远高出传统的面试方法。这也就是为什么现在大多数公司在招聘时或多或少地采取行为面试法。
让我们先来看看几个典型的Behavioural-based Interview questions吧,为了保持原汁原味,以下问题用英语给出。
问题1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
问题2. Describe one of the most challenging projects you have participated in the past years?
问题3. Tell me about a situation that irritated you.
问题4. Tell me about something you failed to accomplish in your last position.
问题5. Who is the toughest person you found it difficult to work with? And how did you handle this situation?
问题6. What are the major personality differences between you and your last boss?